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Hahn Gasfedern

FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

Hahn Gasfedern GmbH is a German company founded in 1960, is a market leader in the development and production of gas compression springs, extension springs, double stroke gas springs, lockable gas springs and oil shock absorbers. The company develops and produces innovative products, using many years of experience, a lot of know-how and patents, using the most modern equipment, which is operated by a highly qualified staff of 180 employees.

Hahn Gasfedern was founded by Gunther Hahn on October 1, 1960 in Esslingen and initially focused on the production of precision turning parts, but only six years later, Gunther Hahn already received his first contract for the production of gas springs for the furniture industry. Further, the product range of the company is constantly expanding and in 1974 the company was already a manufacturer of gas springs for the companies Neoplan, Roto Frank and Deutz. In 1988, the production of the world's first stainless gas springs for the yachting industry began. In 1999 the company was certified according to DIN ISO 9001: 2000. In 2013, Hahn Gasfedern became part of the SKF group and in the same year receives the DIN ISO 14001: 2009 certificate.

Company Products

Among all manufactured products, it is worth mentioning Hahn locking gas shock absorbers, which allow the piston rod to be fixed in any position and thus the shock-absorbing unit (hatch, furniture door, etc.) can be stopped at any point in its path. Also in the model range of products manufactured by the company, there are dampers for sliding doors, which allow you to damp the movement of heavy doors, windows and other objects weighing 100 kg and more. 

The range of gas, oil shock absorbers and dampers produced by the company is used in the automotive industry, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, furniture production and many other areas. Hahn Gasfedern is always ready to develop and offer customized solutions to the customer according to his needs.

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The video above was taken from Hahn Gasfedern official website/Youtube channel.

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